Iranian Society of Gynecology Oncology

Document Type : Original Research Article


1 Department of Nursing, Ministry of Health/ Diwaniyah Health Directorate, Baghdad, Iraq

2 Department of Community Health Nursing, College of Nursing, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq


Background & Objective: Antenatal care service satisfaction is a measure of the degree to which a woman seeking care is happy with the antenatal care service provided to her. As well as, the pregnant women satisfaction is a first indicator about the quality of antenatal care. This study aimed to identify if the reproductive factors can predict the level of satisfaction towards ANC.
Materials & Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in the city of Diwaniyah in primary health care centers for the period from October 1st, 2022 to March 1st, 2023. The study sample consisted of 150 pregnant women who were selected according to a non-probability sampling approach. The questionnaire was validated according to experts and its reliability was verified through a pilot study. The total number of items included in the questionnaire was 38 items. Data were collected using interviews and analyzed by applying descriptive and inferential statistical analysis.
Results: The results of the study indicate that the average age of pregnant women is 27.8 years, (30%) of primary school graduates, and (62%) of housewives, (34.7%) of them expressed more than 900,000 Iraqi dinars as a monthly income, and (60.7%) of them live in the regions Urban area. The results showed that the level of satisfaction was relatively moderate (48%). The reproductive related factors of pregnant women such as number of abortions, number of visits to ANC and gestational age are predicted variables of satisfaction.
Conclusion: The most of influencing related factors are number of abortions, number of visits of ANC and gestational age are considered predicted the level of satisfaction. Decision makers in the Health Directorate should be employed based on quality guidelines in order to improve antenatal care services compared to international standards and take into consideration reproductive characteristics in providing those services.


✅ The most of influencing related factors are number of abortions, number of visits of ANC and gestational age are considered predicted the level of satisfaction. Decision makers in the Health Directorate should be employed based on quality guidelines in order to improve antenatal care services compared to international standards and take into consideration reproductive characteristics in providing those services.


Main Subjects

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